How to succeed at failing

To all my entrepreneurs, my small business owners, my dreamers, my ambitious over-achievers:

I know this is going to be hard to hear, but failure is inevitable.

You aren’t going to try something once and be an overnight success at it. You’re going to try and fail, and try and fail, over and over until you find something that works for you. And even when you find something that works, your growth will be a long journey. And that’s okay! That’s how life works!

But how you react in those moments of struggle is what’s important.

Here are the mental steps I take when I find myself feeling defeated.


Change your approach

Failure doesn’t mean your best isn’t good enough - it means you need to change your approach! Try another method, another time of day, another product. 

Don’t stop at one attempt. Be open-minded and switch it up. You never know where it’ll take you!


Don’t take it personally

When you fail, you have to learn to cope with those initial feelings of negativity.

Don’t take it so personally - learn from your mistakes, figure out where you could have improved, take the time to heal, and when you’re ready, try again!


Try, try again

Repeat the cycle until you achieve something that makes you happy!

It might take months, it might take years. Don’t look for happiness in the success of your idea, look for happiness in the process and the journey.


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